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New mentorship program pairs Youngstown State student-athletes with area children. CIRV members are teaming up with Big Brothers Big Sisters and the City of Youngstown. Click here to learn more:

This program is a city-wide crime strategy that takes a proactive approach to crime and violence prevention. On a monthly basis, the Director of the C.I.R.V. program collaborates with law enforcement to “call-in” individuals who have been identified, through various predictors, who are considered to be at high risk of committing violent crimes. This technique has proven to be very effective in reducing violence and crime.

The Annual Hope Conference attracts hundreds of citizens who are looking to get a fresh start in life following incarceration. Spearheaded by C.I.R.V., it is a collaborative effort of over 50 Mahoning County agencies. The conference takes place in the heart of the city at Youngstown State University. Conference attendees who attend are able to get their licenses restored, attend a CQE clinic, sign up for health care, and have a host of other resources available to them.

New mentorship program pairs Youngstown State student-athletes with area children. CIRV members are teaming up with Big Brothers Big Sisters and the City of Youngstown. Click here to learn more:
Our mission is to create an effective delivery system to offer individuals a circle of support enabling them to choose a non-violent path in life.
C.I.R.V. is specifically designed to impact gun-related violence in a target population (chronic violent offenders affiliated with street groups).
• Reduce gun violence perpetrated by violent gangs/groups
• Deliver a focused deterrence message through robust law enforcement initiatives to target chronic violent offenders
• Provide support services to those violent offenders willing to change
• Offer violence prevention programming to youth in the community
• Engage and solicit community participation in delivering violence deterrence message

C.I.R.V. Youth Parks Program